
Privacy Policy

Last updated: 4.2.2023

Care Transformation Studio, Inc. (the “Company”) via (the “Site”) has adopted a set of information management guidelines, which serve as the basis for our customer relationships. These guidelines disclose the privacy policies for the Site. These guidelines have been developed with the recognition that Internet technologies are rapidly evolving, and that underlying business models are still not established. Accordingly, guidelines are subject to change. Any such changes will be posted on this page. The Site is not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of Web sites to which it may link.

What information does the Site gather and/or track about you?

Registration. When you register to receive free services from the Site, we require that you supply your full name, E-mail address, phone number, and organization. Customers who register must agree to the Terms and Conditions for use of the relevant service and/or the Site. Similarly, when you register to receive services on the Site during a free preview period or a trial period, the Site requires that you supply your full name, E-mail address, telephone number, and organization.. Customers who register must agree to the Terms and Conditions for use of the relevant service and/or the Site.

Premium Services. Many of the Site’s premium services use a form for you to subscribe to the premium content on the site and/or to receive our free communications. We collect a customer's contact information and, in some cases, credit card information to bill the subscriber for these optional services. Other areas of the Site are offered free of charge.

Anonymous Information. The Site may also gather anonymous information, which may be used by the Site, the Company, and/or shared with third parties. This is information, which does not personally identify you, may be helpful for marketing purposes or for improving the services we offer. Generally, this information is collected through "traffic data" and may entail the use of "cookies," "IP addresses," or other numeric codes used to identify a computer.

Cookies. The Site, like many others, employs cookies to recognize you and your access privileges on the Site, as well as to track usage. Subscribers who do not accept cookies from the domain cannot access some areas of the Site. 

IP Addresses. The Site also logs IP addresses for systems administration and troubleshooting purposes. (Your IP address indicates the location of your computer on the Internet). We do not log IP addresses to track your session, nor do we link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable.

Credit Card Information. If you use a credit card to pay for a Site subscription, we will continue to charge your account for the length of the subscription term or until you cancel. If you give us credit card information for any other purpose or to pay for any other type of purchase, it will be used one time only to fulfill one order, and the Site will not store your credit card information.

What does the Site do with the information it gathers and/or tracks?

Statistical Analysis. The Site may perform statistical analyses of user behavior in order to measure interest in the various areas of the Site (for product development purposes). In this statistical analysis, we will disclose information to third parties only in aggregate form. Personal information about you as an individual subscriber or registrant will not be provided to any third party, except when we have your permission or under special circumstances, as described in our Terms and Conditions.

E-mail. Using the E-mail addresses provided at registration, the Site periodically sends promotional E-mail to its subscribers about services offered by the Company and the Site. We may contact you regarding account status, changes to the subscriber agreement, and to confirm registration.

Jobs. The Site shares data collected when subscribers post jobs or apply for jobs on the job board with Alvarez Search, the third party who supports the management of the job board. 

Data Security. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of information, we have put in place appropriate electronic, and managerial procedures to protect the information we collect online, including security for credit card submissions. 

With whom does the Site share the information it gathers and/or tracks?

The Site shares the information it gathers, in aggregate form, with partners. We do not release personal information about you as an individual to third parties, except when we have your permission or under special circumstances, as described in our Terms and Conditions. The Site will provide you all of your personal information provided at registration upon request. This information will only be sent to the E-mail address on file for the subscriber ID associated with it.

Discussion Groups. The Site offers a variety of discussion groups, chat areas, and message boards (collectively, “Boards”). The Boards are only accessible to subscribers. These guidelines do not cover the transfer of information in this context. Any information you disclose when posting a message in the Boards becomes available to all subscribers. 

If you choose to participate or post messages in the Site’s Boards, we will collect such information about you as you choose to disclose. If you use a third party service co-branded by the Site, the third-party service provider may provide information about you to the Site. Any personal correspondence to the Site about your activities or postings on the Site may be collected in a file specific to you.

From time-to-time the Boards may be monitored by the Site in order to maintain professional decorum and to prevent prohibited uses of the Boards. The Company and/or the Site reserve the right to remove any material, message or discussion thread that is, in its sole judgment, inappropriate. For more information about the Boards, please review our Terms and Conditions or contact us by E-mail.

A Special Note About Children.

Children are not eligible to use the Site’s services, and we ask that minors not submit any personal information to us. If you are a minor, you may use this service only in conjunction with a parent or guardian.

Opting-Out, Corrections and Cancellations.

Upon request, the Site will:
(a) remove you and your personal information from our database, thereby canceling your registration;
(b) correct personal information that you state is erroneous; or
(c) permit you to "opt out" of further E-mail contact (except notification of major changes to the service) while still allowing access to the site.

To request a correction or cancellation, contact  Phil Gibbs at

Data Retention and Deletion

We will retain your personal information for the length of time needed to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. When the data retention period expires for a given type of data, we will delete or destroy it. To submit a request for your data to be deleted, contact our support team at